Q. Please tell us about your business(s)

I own Flexhealth Convenient Care which is a primary care clinic and house calls practice. I am the sole owner and provider.

I am also the owner of  AOD Beauty which is a cosmetic  line dedicated to  women achieving their destiny

Q. What was the “thing” that made you want to become an entrepreneur?

The entrepreneur bug truly bit me once I had children. I was juggling having to be at work early for day care and getting off too late for daycare. It requires us to have to pay someone to take them to the day care and pick them up. It was my desire to put my own kids on the bus and to take them off myself.

Q. What has been your greatest challenge as an aspiring entrepreneur?

My greatest challenge has been finding the confidence in myself. Although I have all the credentials and look extremely well on paper, I struggle with Imposter Syndrome really bad. Most people think its the money, or  funding, but getting out of your own way, thats is a huge undertaking. I guess it can be called The Feat of Success!

Q. Tell us something no one knows you like to do?? (Something funny and Exciting)

I love, love, love to dance! And I can twerk too! Lololololol

Q. What direction do you feel that we as women in business can do to continue to trailblaze for the next generation of women in business?

Continue break down barriers in the tech and business finance industry. We need to have a seat at the table and represent ourselves. Never forget were we came from and those that supported us so that one of us good get to the top.

Q. What upcoming projects can we expect from you?

I am working on an app. I am very excited about this. It not quite finished yet so I cant spill the beans but let’s just say it merges the epitome of convenience and a business directory.

Stay Connected:

W: www.aodbeauty.com

IG: @aodbeautyco